Defense and denial method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11574206
APP PUB NO 20150347902A1





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The presently disclosed method and system includes a network of computer devices, sensors, and actuators operating in concert with application software to actively detect, identify, and localize threats and generate real-time countermeasures designed to delay and/or mitigate damage that may be caused by the threats. Application software, in the form of automated reasoning and logic control, initiates preparatory and countermeasure sequences automatically, which may be used by users or automatically executed by the system to at least delay an attack to a physical asset/area by adversaries with use of non-lethal actuators. Learned scenarios are generated and continuously adapted via feedback loops and decision rules to provide preparatory and countermeasure sequences that maximize results with minimal expenditure of assets.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Butler,, Jr Charles Lankford Clermont, US 1 29
Kimball, Vontella Kay Clermont, US 1 29
Smith, Samuel McArthur Lindon, US 1 29

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