A43B 1/12


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Subclass 1/12: Footwear characterised by the material (layered products B32B) Footwear made of rubber of rubber waste

Recent Patents

Patent #TitleFiling DateIssue DatePatent Owner
11832685 Fluid enhanced footwearOct 17, 20Dec 05, 23Not available
11766087 Footwear article having cord structureOct 25, 21Sep 26, 23FUERST GROUP INC.
11445778 Ecological footwear elaborated from recycled plastic fibers and recycled or disposal organic material, product and processMar 24, 20Sep 20, 22Not available
11185121 Footwear article having cord structureAug 21, 18Nov 30, 21FUERST GROUP INC.
11135796 Methods for forming footwear using recycled plasticsMay 29, 19Oct 05, 21Nike Inc.
11129444 Footwear article having repurposed material with concealing layerAug 07, 20Sep 28, 21Nike Inc.
10426229 Footwear manufacturing processFeb 06, 18Oct 01, 19Not available
9801431 Regrind polyurethane with glycol or polyol additiveJan 22, 16Oct 31, 17NIKE, INC.
9730486 Self-recovering impact absorbing footwearApr 11, 13Aug 15, 17WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE
9273193 Regrind polyurethane with glycol or polyol additiveSep 25, 10Mar 01, 16NIKE, INC.
9185947 Forming portion of an article from fabrication scrap, and products thereofMar 18, 11Nov 17, 15NIKE, INC.
9114580 Articles prepared using recycled materials and methods of preparation thereofDec 05, 13Aug 25, 15AETREX WORLDWIDE, INC.

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Recent Publications

Publication #TitleFiling DatePub DatePatent Owner
2024/0298,737 High Performance Rubber Components Using Recycled Rubber and Methods of Making and Using SameMar 07, 24Sep 12, 24Trederra LLC
2024/0057,716 Fluid Enhanced FootwearOct 31, 23Feb 22, 24Not available
2022/0015,494 FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURING PROCESSJul 20, 20Jan 20, 22Not available

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