A45C 3/10






Subclass 3/10: Flexible luggage; Hand bags (collapsible or extensible luggage, bags or the like A45C 7/00; handbag mirrors A45D 42/04) Beach-bags; Watertight beach-bags

Recent Patents

Patent #TitleFiling DateIssue DatePatent Owner
11974644 Configurable towel/bag assemblyMay 27, 22May 07, 24Sauce Golf Co, LLC
11425978 Roll top backpack with speaker deviceJun 10, 19Aug 30, 22ZTARX CORPORATION LIMITED
11352141 Sealable life vest stowage deviceDec 03, 19Jun 07, 22Servecorp Limited
11019912 Beach storage assemblyJul 25, 19Jun 01, 21Not available
10940987 Insulated carry bagDec 16, 16Mar 09, 21Not available
10517413 Top secret towel systemJul 14, 16Dec 31, 19Not available
10076169 Tote assembly with interchangeable free standing insertsApr 29, 16Sep 18, 18Not available
9533744 Lifesaving beach bag for water rescueAug 05, 15Jan 03, 17Not available
9474354 Beach/pool bag and backpack with hidden compartmentApr 25, 14Oct 25, 16Not available
9351553 Dual function bagFeb 18, 14May 31, 16Apera, LLC
9271553 Beach/pool bag with hidden compartmentDec 31, 13Mar 01, 16Not available
9185952 Convertible wheeled backpacking accessoryJul 02, 13Nov 17, 15Turney, Daniel Payton

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Recent Publications

Publication #TitleFiling DatePub DatePatent Owner
2024/0251,920 CONVERTIBLE BAGJan 30, 24Aug 01, 24Not available
2023/0172,329 COMBINATION BAG, MAT, AND FLOTATION DEVICEDec 02, 22Jun 08, 23Not available
2022/0322,759 BATHING GARMENTS AND METHODS FOR USING SAMEApr 28, 22Oct 13, 22Not available
2022/0142,317 DEVICE FOR PROTECTING AN ARTICLE FROM MOISTUREFeb 27, 20May 12, 22Not available
2022/0031,038 BAG COMPRISING INTEGRAL SUPPORT LEGSJul 28, 20Feb 03, 22Not available
2019/0216,190 LOCKABLE ROLL-TOP BAGNov 28, 18Jul 18, 19Not available
2019/0104,816 TOWEL BAG COMBINATIONOct 06, 17Apr 11, 19Not available
2017/0238,663 SECURING TOTE BAG WITH DETACHABLE TOWELFeb 22, 16Aug 24, 17Not available

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