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Inventors who had their idea stolen by the US Government - Class suit




We invite parties interested in a class-action lawsuit against the US Government for patent infringement, to join the group: http://patentbuddy.com/groups/overview/my/Inventors-who-had-their-idea-stolen-by-the-US-Government/45. The goal of this group is to gather inventors who had their ideas stolen by the US Government in the below manner, and file a class-action lawsuit against the Government.

In a nutshell: the US Government is currently using a rather simple trick to get away with the multibillion massive theft: they passed an unconstitutional law which enables them to steal any idea from a Ph.D. thesis, as long as they both file for protection and grant the patent to themselves within 1 year since the inventor's oral defense. Basically, they count on the inventor's poverty during the initial 5 years of general protection which is granted under the Constitution and internationally to everyone for all ideas patentable.

Both US and foreign nationals are welcome to join us. To join, the USPTO may or may not subsequently admit in writing that the Government has stolen your idea.

Feel free to circulate this call, and do encourage colleagues to join us.

*** UPDATE: Since patentbuddy has shut down the groups, we moved to Google Groups instead: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/classactionlawsuit


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