Method and system for caching customized information

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6725265





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A method for providing customized information in a computer processing system includes the step of defining at least one rule for one of creating and retrieving at least one customized block of data. At least one customizable template is created which includes at least one reference to the at least one rule and at least one offset that specifies at least one position at which the at least one customized block is inserted into the at least one customizable template. The at least one customized block is inserted into the at least one customizable template at the at least one position specified by the at least one offset. The customized block, the customizable template, and/or the rule may be pre-stored in a cache of the computer processing system. The customized block may also be dynamically created.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Challenger, James R H Garrison, NY 30 1651
Dantzig, Paul M Scarsdale, NY 24 575
Dias, Daniel M Mohegan Lake, NY 29 1345
Iyengar, Arun K Yorktown Heights, NY 67 3044
Song, Junehwa Taejeon, KR 20 470

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