Optical switch controller and movable body controller

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7670015





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In an optical switch controller, in order that residual vibration at movement control of a movable body such as a tilt mirror can be reduced and controlled with high accuracy, a processing unit outputs a driving signal for controlling the angle of the tilt mirror, the driving signal is D/A converted by a D/A converter and then is changed to a high-voltage signal by a high-voltage amplifier to be supplied to the tilt mirror, the electrostatic capacity of the tilt mirror changes corresponding to angle change of the tilt mirror, a mirror-angle detecting unit detects the electrostatic capacity and feeds back it as a correction value to a processing unit, and the processing unit corrects the driving signal using a correction value obtained when the angle of the tilt mirror is actually changed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ide, Satoshi Kawasaki, JP 88 875
Matsuyama, Toru Yokohama, JP 138 617
Mori, Kazuyuki Kawasaki, JP 98 792
Takahashi, Kensuke Yokohama, JP 80 400

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